Let's get right down to it:
You need at least 1,000 mg of CALCIUM per day (source).
And, if you are over the age of 50, you need 1,300 to 1,500 mg of calcium per day (same source).
Calcium is one of the most important minerals because:
"Bone itself undergoes continuous remodeling, with constant resorption
and deposition of calcium into new bone. The balance between bone
resorption and deposition changes with age. Bone formation exceeds
resorption in periods of growth in children and adolescents, whereas in
early and middle adulthood both processes are relatively equal. In aging
adults, particularly among postmenopausal women, bone breakdown exceeds
formation, resulting in bone loss that increases the risk of
osteoporosis over time"
- Office of Dietary Supplements (source).

Calcium is so important in the process of building strong bones, and when supplemented with exercise, it can have a dramatic affect in keeping your bones healthy for life!
"One of the best methods to maintain current bone
mineral density is through physical activity. Activity increases the
physical stresses on bone. These stresses help activate the osteoblasts
and favor bone deposition (source)."
Here are some food options that will naturally increase your calcium intake:
Skim Milk/Skim Milk Products - this is the ultimate source of calcium, boasting of 504 mg of calcium per cup! The only unfortunate thing about milk is that the majority of the calories in it are sugar calories. (source).
Skim milk does, however, work as a great post-workout meal; because of the sugar, it offers a great combination of sugars to protein, and is quickly absorbed into the body.
Spinach - Spinach has anywhere from 250 to 295 mg per cup! This is great news for those who are lactose intolerant! Dark green veggies also have good amounts of calcium, but spinach and other collard greens have the highest percentage per cup. (Source)
The salad on the right has 2 cups of spinach (about 500 mg), and the salad on the left has 3 cups!
Beans - Beans (especially soy beans and white beans) boast about 200-250 mg of calcium per cup. They are also high in protein and fiber! Beans make a great addition to salads, and you can also blend them in a food processor with some olive oil, lemon, and pepper to create a veggie dip.(source)
This salad has 2 cups of spinach, 1/2 cup of kidney beans, and 2 tablespoons of white bean hummus!
Lots of calcium in this nutritious lunch :)
Lots of calcium in this nutritious lunch :)
Try your best to obtain your daily vitamins through FOOD! Obviously, all organic, natural vitamins are great when FDA approved, but many supplements are NOT FDA approved and can actually harm you.
Who knew! I'm gonna go get me some calcium!